Welcome to Healers Talk - a platform for Natural Health Practitioners; designed to help practitioners and the clients find the best way to connect with each other, share ideas, experiences and referrals. This can only happen in healthy and thriving community. Hence healing the individual is as important as healing the community.

Healing as a topic has had our interest for a long time. We were thinking of creating this website since the “dawn of time” :)  And now that time came which seems to be calling for something of that nature.  Now more then ever we the people, and the planet as a whole, needs to be healed. Every aspect of our existence on planet Earth needs to be restored. 

Unfortunately, the way our society is designed has lead to many different problems like lack of human connection, break up of healthy family structure, generational gap, conflict within families, people with lots of emotional issues, etc..

During about last 30 years, the life on Earth has changed dramatically which created lots of existential issues. People seem to lost touch with the surroundings, nature and each other.  We see lots of people attached to their phones or computers. People are not able to concentrate on one task, they do not read books anymore. It seems that they are only able to dedicate a few minutes to a given subject. They absorb the headlines of the article and switch to another one and do not do any research regarding the material they read. 

Using this website we would like to offer our visitors, members and friends an opportunity to learn, research and absorb different ways of healing. Not every way is going to work for everyone as there is no one-fits-all solution, so please take time to find the one which will “speak” to you.

You are an individual with specific needs, yet you are a part of a bigger community which is interconnected with other beings, nature and the whole Universe. 

Enjoy your journey :)