Introduction to NLP

Changing your thoughts is a bit like reprogramming a computer.  Somehow a computer gets negatively affected – by a virus, by someone’s mistakes, or by an overload! – and it needs to be brought back to proper computing with some new programming.  So it is with your mind – the mega-computer.  When you want to change some of those damaging and useless thoughts and actions, you need to reprogram the way your brain works.  

Neuro-Lingustic Programming (NLP) provides various tools to understand how verbal and non-verbal communication affect the human brain.  You can consider NLP as the owner’s manual for the brain – it’s a step-by-step guide to taking control of your thoughts and using your mind to its fullest potential.  The term ‘neuro’ refers to processes of the brain; ‘linguistic’ relates to language; and ‘programming’ details behavioral patterns that are learned through experience.  All those descriptions combined make a direct path to achieving specific goals in life through NLP exercises.

This adaptable therapy has been used in a wide range of professions to bring about positive change in people seeking help.  In the work of therapy regarding practices around hypnotherapy, counseling, psychotherapy, and educational therapy, clients have been able to overcome various negative habits and succeed in achieving specific goals through techniques directly related to NLP.  There is also an overwhelming following in the fields of management training, life coaching, personal growth, and alternative medicine. 

A Linguist, John Grinder and Mathematician, Richard Bandler created NLP during the seventies with strong interests in successful people, psychology, language, and computer programming.  The result was a method of achieving a fuller and more meaningful life by changing perspectives and taking control of your life.  More specifically, taking control of your brain – the operating system of your life.
They state that NLP is designed to address a variety of  issues like: learning disorders, phobias, psychosomatic illnesses, habit disorders and depression.  Simply put, NLP is an approach to personal development, communication and psychotherapy, achieved by learning how to properly program your brain.

What’s best about this approach is that it’s able to be self-taught, relatable to many different situations and provides superior knowledge regarding the workings of the brain.  Neurology has been commonly considered to be an automatic function of the brain and not able to be altered – or at least not altered without professional help and some drugs to shift our body’s functions.  NLP helps people change by teaching them how to reprogram their brains.  It’s a source of therapy that is widespread across various industries to bring greater understanding of how you can help yourself.  It has touched the lives of millions and continues to form new applications of it use.

Hopefully this introduction to NLP has intrigued you to learn more about NLP techniques and what they can do for you.